About Us

Welcome to Old Iron Cabin LLC. We are a small family owned business devoted to creating one of a kind hand made items. Josh was interested in blacksmithing and other various projects from a young age. He was taught the rare and almost lost art of blacksmithing with a coal forge by a local neighbor at the young age of 10. By the time he was 12, he was giving demonstrations in the local area.

Josh’s parents witnessed his very unique abilities to be able to create anything with his hands. They enrolled him in art lessons and encouraged his creativity. His parents were amazed in part because they had no idea how he knew the things he did or was able to learn what most will never learn to make. This is where the creating and inspiration took hold and continued to grow. Josh was always reading books on the history of the 1800’s and the almost simpler times back then. His interest grew from blacksmithing to painting to wood working to making clothing from deer hides to building black powder muzzleloaders. The list of his talents are never ending.

Josh met Gretchen when they were 14 and there friendship grew from there. Now 30 years later they are a family. Josh has continued many of his talents and taught Gretchen a great deal along the way. Both were growing tired of all of life’s distractions. They dreamed of life where family is always your number one priority. Their dream was to build a log cabin from hand in the middle of the forest, to have gardens, fish, and to enjoy nature. They wanted to not rely on a store or a factory for what they needed. Josh resigned from his 9-5 job to pursue their dreams. Josh became very successful very quickly with creating items and selling items by word of mouth. A business with unique hand made items where costumers could easily buy quality items was needed. This is where Old Iron Cabin LLC came to be.

Josh and Gretchen

We serve individuals that want a quality hand made product that is one of a kind. Our goal is to create items that an individual cannot just buy at a store and normally would not even be able to find on-line. Also, we enjoy teaching others unique crafts and learning new ideas ourselves.

Our products are made by hand in the USA on our small country property. Our forged items are made in a coal forge like in the 1800’s. You will not buy a mass produced products made in a factory. There are various items at Old Iron Forge. At times, there will be unique items created by the artist that are a one of kind. Shop and explore here to support a small family wanting to live their dream. Become inspired here to be part of a much simpler way of life were family, creativity, and uniqueness have value. You will not be disappointed. We guarantee our items with a 100 % money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase.

Josh Hammering teaching a class.

Josh, Gretchen, and children are pursuing their dream of living that much simpler life. Josh works completely from their home and Gretchen is working more at home but still enjoys working as a Registered Nurse and helping others. They do not live in a forest yet they continue to strive for this. Although, they have began building a log cabin on their small 5 acre property with trees found in the local area for free or little cost. The cabin will be a unique one of a kind cabin. We will post pictures for those of you that like to follow along.

Our little Cabin!!

Thank you so much for visiting our site. I hope you find something that inspires you or something you have been looking for that you cannot find other places. Maybe you want to live the dream for us and have found items to make your cabin complete. Visit our site often for new products and new updates.

Best Wishes,

Josh, Gretchen, and family

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